Pain in Deciduous Teeth (Baby Teeth) - Health Blog - Explore Content About Diseases, Conditions, Disorder and Syndrome

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Wednesday, 13 June 2018


Pain in Deciduous Teeth (Baby Teeth)


When do baby teething start?
Baby teeth emerge in a predictable order. Most baby teeth start growing around 6-8 months of age. Some babies may develop their first teeth at about 3 months or after one year of their birth. Different set of baby teeth are developed by the age of 3 years. They are 20 in number and consist of:

  • 4 central incisors
  • 4 lateral incisors
  • 4 canines
  • 8 molars

Teething Signs
The most common signs which are observed during baby teething involve:

  • Pain in gums of baby
  • Biting
  • Excessive drool
  • Fussiness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Fever, rash, diaper rash, cold symptoms or diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Pulling ears or rubbing cheeks and  chin

During eruption and shedding of deciduous teeth, the teething symptoms may vary. The timeline of baby teeth can be studied through a baby teeth chart to better understand the baby teething order.

Remedies to Reduce Baby Teething Pain
Steps which can reduce pain and other symptoms while baby teething occurs are as follows:

Lower Gum Inflammation
Inflammation of gums during teething stimulates the nerves that cause pain. By reducing inflammation, you can relieve your baby from tooth pain. This includes:

  • Foods such as sugar, flour, potatoes and dairy products should be reduced in your child’s diet as it causes inflammation in gums. You can give a low-inflammation diet such as containing fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and whole egg.
  • You can reduce the stress level of your baby by providing adequate sleep and a healthy diet. Stress can cause inflammation and increase the pain.
  • Maintain a balance blood sugar level for your baby. Variation in sugar level creates stress on the adrenal gland and stimulates the stress hormone. This stress can lead to inflammation and pain in the gums.

Also: Read about rotten teeth in kids.

Boost the Immune System
During teething, your baby may experience cold and fever. It is important to boost the immune system of your child. The steps to boost immune system include:

  • You should continue breastfeeding as it provides natural antibiotics against a large range of infections.
  • Provide adequate amount of sunlight to your baby, as it increase Vitamin D level in his/her body. Vitamin D helps in boosting the immune response of your child.
  • You can provide probiotics to your child. It helps in building a healthy gut microflora and developing an optimum overall health and immunity. 

Cold and Pressure
Applying cold and pressure to aching gums is an effective method to reduce pain. Cold helps numb the area and pressure helpful in soothing inflamed gums. Certain objects which can be provided to your baby include:

  • Frozen washcloths
  • Frozen fruits and veggies 
  • A cold spoon
  • Natural solid wood toys can be provided as the roughness of wood is very soothing for some babies.
  • Natural teething biscuits are easily available at market and can be made at home.

Teething Toys
Chewing certain objects can provide great relief from pain during teething. Some safe and non-toxic objects that can be given to your child include:

  • Silicone teething rings are a safe choice as it is made up of safe silicone rather than latex plastic.
  • Wooden teethers can be given after oiling or applying wax to your child.
  • Teething gels contains a mild anesthetic, which helps to numb the pain and discomfort during teething. It also contains antiseptic agents which prevent infections.

Teething Necklace
You can use an amber teething necklace. Baby’s body heat triggers amber to release oil which contains succinic acid, a natural anti-inflammatory. The effectiveness of the necklace is observed in few cases only.

Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are highly effective and easy to use. These include:

  • Rosehip tea which is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin C. It helps in boosting the immune system as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Chamomile helps in relaxing and soothing irritability during teething and helps reduce pain.
  • Catnip helps in calming irritable babies and allows them to rest.
  • Clove is a natural anesthetic and helps in relieving pain.

These herbs can be given as tea or herbal infusion to your child.

About Author:
Sarita Thomas, is a senior microbiologist and is associated with DiseaseFix  as a researcher. Disease Fix develops health information modules for patients and provides a unique platform to allow access of reliable information of a variety of types for diseases.

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