Early Signs of Conjunctivitis - Health Blog - Explore Content About Diseases, Conditions, Disorder and Syndrome

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Monday, 30 October 2017


Early Signs of Conjunctivitis


What is conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. The conjunctiva is a thin tissue over the white part of your eye and lines the inside portion of the eyelid.

Pinkeye can be caused by bacteria, viruses, irritants such as dust, and shampoo, smoke, allergies, etc.

Pinkeye caused by bacteria and viruses can spread easily from one person to another person. But it is not a serious health risk if diagnosed quickly. Pinkeye in newborn babies, however, may be a vision-threatening infection, and should be sought advice upon by a doctor immediately.

Anyone can get conjunctivitis, but preschoolers, schoolchildren, college students, teachers and workers are at higher risk for the contagious types of disease because they work closely with others in the classroom.

Conjunctivitis can have many causes, but doctors use the term "pink eye" to refer only to viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis is a highly contagious infection caused by viruses.

What are the early signs of conjunctivitis (Conjunctivitis Symptoms)?
The symptoms of conjunctivitis may vary based on the cause of the inflammation, but these may include such as:

  • Burning sensation in the eyes
  • Increased flow of tears
  • Redness in the white portion of the eye or inner eyelid: because of the inflammation and widening of the blood vessels in the conjunctiva eyes become red
  • Thick yellow discharge over the eyelashes, especially after sleep: conjunctiva contains cells that produce mucus and tiny glands that produce tears. Inflammation of the conjunctiva causes these glands to become overactive, and they start producing more water and mucus
  • Blurring of the vision
  • Eyes are sensitive to light
  • Green or white discharge from your eye
  • Itchiness in eyes

Only one eye is affected at first, but conjunctivitis symptoms usually affect both eyes soon.

Viral conjunctivitis: It causes watery, itchy eyes; sensitivity to light. One or both your eyes can be affected. It is highly contagious and can spread by coughing and sneezing.

Bacterial conjunctivitis: It causes a sticky, yellow or greenish-yellow eye discharge to develop in the corner of your eye. The discharge can be severe to cause the eyelids to be stuck together after sleep. One or both eyes can be affected. It is also contagious and usually spread by direct contact with infected hands or items that have touched the eye.

Allergic conjunctivitis: It causes watery eyes, burning sensation in your eyes, itchiness. It is often accompanied by a runny nose, and light sensitivity. Both eyes are affected generally. It is not contagious.

When should you contact a doctor?
While conjunctivitis is not very serious, but sometimes severe symptoms may appear that can cause complications.

The following symptoms could be the sign of a more serious eye condition and should be immediately reported to an eye expert (ophthalmologist):

  • pain in the eyes
  • sensitivity to light (known as photophobia)
  • disturbed or blurred vision
  • intense redness in one or both the eyes

Contact your doctor immediately if you note any of these symptoms.

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